Is Your Restaurant or Store Secure?
Use This Checklist to Find Out.
While your business should have an open and welcoming atmosphere, you must also protect your assets and people alike. With a comprehensive security plan and by learning about the latest measures to protect businesses, you can create a safe experience for your customers and employees. Discover ways to deter crime and better protect your assets with these tips.
Employee Engagement
Greet and proactively engage with customers throughout their experience to deter fraud and theft.
Train employees on how to prevent theft and how to de-escalate events.
Open and close in teams, if possible, to protect against internal and external theft, and teach employees to avoid procedural patterns that criminals could recognize.
Security Plans
Defne procedures for proper cash handling, including depositing cash frequently and discouraging customers from paying with large bills.
Have employees work in pairs to empty trash, or rotate who empties the trash to ensure that items are not being removed.
Preventive Measures
Minimize spaces that create opportunity for fraud and theft, and secure exits to prevent unauthorized entrance and exit.
Create a closing plan that includes checking locks, security systems and spaces such as restrooms.
Technology Tips
By recording images, video surveillance equipment can help protect against theft,
offer liability management and reduce shrinkage -
Mobile security management tools enable you to stay in control from anywhere. Review open/close details, including video clips across all locations.
Unlike many other businesses, you must create an open environment for customers and employees while also protecting your assets. These tips are a rst step toward making your business more secure. Georgia CCTV is here to help ensure that your security plan is complete.